Thursday, December 25, 2008

Snowed In!

I've been meaning to post about this for 4 days now. I should have done it when it happened!

On the 2oth I was so excited about being able to attend my church on the 21st for the Christmas service! However, I woke up the on the 21st to find a lot of snow, and church was canceled for the entire day! I was so disappointed, but then I remembered the last time church was canceled and I got excited!

This time around was no different. I got out of bed to find Mom and Dad sitting with their Bibles on the little couch we have, they had turned it to face our slider. From the slider you have a good view of our back yard. They where watching the snow fall, drinking coffee and reading their Bibles. It was a special time, and I enjoyed seeing them together so much.

We had church in the family room in our PJ's. All five of us. For the rest of the day we just hung out together, watch a movie, read. Later in the day Dad, Mom and I braved the cold and went for a walk. In the evening Ben and Rachel and their friend Luke came over. It was great being together as an entire family!

It was a exceedingly good day. Sunday's usually are. When I'm not at Well of Grace we would be together for the whole day. We would all eat lunch together and just enjoy each others company. I often times get asked, by many of the young people at church, if I would like to join them for Sunday lunch. I just about always turn them down because I love to eat Sunday Lunch with my family. It is an occasion filled with laughter and family jokes. It has to be one of my favorite times of the week.

1 comment:

  1. Is it wrong that I feel jealous? You have such a special family! Love ya, chica!
